Monday, March 31, 2008

Chennai/Madras India Eye Opener

Unfortunately our first exposure to India was on Easter Sunday at the port of Chennai in the southeastern part of India. We were warned to expect to see poor living and to encounter a lot of begging. We got all of that but it was the litter and dirt that really got to most of the people. In truth we have seen as bad in China and Mexico but it is not a stop Cunard ships will make again.

The one tourist redeeming site was the Tomb of St. Thomas the Apostle who had come to India to convert people to Christianity and lost his life in Chennai. The cathedral was built over the place of his tomb, similar to St. Peter's in the Vatican.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great photos. Been home one day and finally getting back to this blog. Keep them coming, Your running commentary is great. Bob