Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Much of our 10 consecutive days on board has been spent here on the 9th Deck Lido Pool...gotta be careful about getting too much sun but we are lathering ourselves with 30 grade protection. Note the 850 page book DBC is holding titled Come Spring and a Christmas gift from Maureen & Bob..for a poor reader I am doing well and enjoying it to the half way point. EVERYONE is reading a book!! It's amazing and many come from the 2 story QV Library..

1 comment:

The Connelly 5 said...

Well, it is COLD here and I am jealous of that beautiful weather! There were actually snow flurries as far down as College Station this morning... brrr! I'll make you a little jealous, though... we are having a crew over for crawfish tomorrow night.. the first we've had! We'll have to celebrate your return with another boil! We love you and miss you!